NTI Audio, Inc. is exhibited Audio & Acoustic Measurement at InfoComm 2022. Hey there, hello and welcome to Infocomm 2020, my name is Gregor Schmidle, I’m from NTI audio. At this year’s show we’re going to feature the XL2 audio acoustic analyzer. The main application of this device is measuring room acoustics measuring, distributed audio systems, and also measuring speech intelligibility. For more information on our products please go to www.nti-audio.com. Thank you. Post Views: 1,254 Related videos icon02:30 [ILA 2022 - Berlin Air Show] Deutsche Aircraft 2022/08/15 2022/08/15 icon [HCJ 2014] 大型シャボン玉発生器「HABON SERIES UH-001」 - 有限会社上野製作所 2014/02/18 2021/09/01 icon [レジャー&アウトドアジャパン2024] YATCH - A株式会社 2024/10/17 2024/12/12 icon03:51 [JAPANTEX 2022] 英国王室御用達ブランドCole&Son、他 - 株式会社テシード 2022/10/28 2022/11/22 icon02:06 [Coffee Expo Seoul 2016] カフェ・カクテル用シロップ&パウダー「METIER」 - CJ CheiJedang 2016/04/22 2019/05/07 icon01:27 [Coffee Expo Seoul 2016] 粉末飲料「Spirit Ade」 and 「Soil Ade」 - SAENAM Food & Beverage 2016/04/22 2019/05/07 icon [Space-Comm Expo 2022] Stratasys - Tri-tech 3D 2022/10/17 icon [IFA 2023] 子供のための安全な電気回路学習玩具 - Labbox 2023/09/22
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